- Simply Savings -


Line item level validation of PxQ, UOM & UC

As Procurement Advisors 

Our Goal

is to

Simply Save customers money within 90 days.

We prevent fraud and eliminate bait and switch forever – while also achieving significant savings without invasive disruption.

Global Savings Track Record

$ 0 m
Total Spend Reviewed
$ 0 m
Total Saving Achieved
0 %
Blended Savings %

We help you answer the most FAQs

Do you know your top 20 suppliers?

How do you know if your top 20 suppliers are charging the agreed prices?

Do stakeholders have sight of contract pricing prior to approving invoices?

Is anyone checking your monthly invoices at a line item level detail for price, quantity, unit cost and unit of measure?

Do your signed contracts include Audit Clause to review the last 12 months' invoices?

Are Audit Cost reimbursed by suppliers 100%?

  •  We help you answer the most FAQs

  • Do you know your top 20 suppliers?

  • How do you know if your top 20 Suppliers are charging you prices stated in the signed contract?

  • Do Stakeholders have access to contract prices to be charged by Suppliers prior to approving invoices?

  • Is anyone checking Supplier monthly invoices at a line item level detail for PxQ, UOM and UOC?

  • Do your signed contracts include “Audit Clause” to review last 12 months of invoices and “Audit Cost” reimbursed by Suppliers 100%

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